Privacy Statement – Privacy Regulations

  This is the Privacy Statement of Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV applicable to the processing of personal data by Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV or its affiliated companies and their legal successors hereinafter also referred to as “we/us”. Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV (KvK 84758562) is the controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG). This means that Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV decides which personal data are processed, for what purpose and in what manner. Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV is responsible for ensuring that your personal data are processed in accordance with the AVG and in a proper and careful manner. The common goal and interest of Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV, its employees, business associates and its customers is the careful processing and protection of (personal) data. This privacy statement explains how we handle personal data and the organizational and technological measures we take to protect the privacy of all data subjects. One such measure is the appointment of an internal contact person for all privacy-related questions. Do you have questions or comments, or do you think there is a data breach or vulnerability in our security? Please contact us at  Personal data Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV processes personal data within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG).
Personal data is any information that can provide information about an identified or identifiable natural person.  Use of Data by Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV Depending on the services and functionalities you purchase from Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV or provide to us, Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV may process the following personal data from you:

  • name
  • company data
  • phone number, address and e-mail address
  • function
  • nationality, gender, date of birth and age
  • username and login information
  • gender
  • IBAN bank information
  • data in a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) or VCA
  • data in a residence or work permit
  • attendance
  • contact information of your contact person in case of a medical emergency, and relevant health information for that purpose
  • information you enter yourself, such as in a contact form
  • Information in job applications such as educational background and work experience.
  • technical measurement data of the equipment such as IP address, MAC address, identifiers in cookies and your surfing behavior on our websites


Cookies Cookies are small text files or pixels that are placed when you visit a Web site. They ensure that the site functions optimally and collect data to make the information displayed as relevant as possible. We use a number of cookies, with different properties:

  1. Functional cookies promote user convenience. This remembers selections, for example, and eliminates the need to log in again and again. We use functional cookies.
  2. Monitoring or analytical cookies allow us to map (search) behavior anonymously and adjust our services accordingly. This will allow us to serve you as (potential) guests even better.
  3. Third Party Cookies come from a different domain than the website currently being visited. They are primarily used to track Internet users and to display targeted advertisements. They can also be used to perform services such as live chat functionality. These cookies are mainly set by social media: Please read the privacy statements of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn (which may change periodically) to see how they process your personal data.

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn are members of the Privacy Shield program which means there is an adequate level of protection for the processing of any personal data. In most web browsers, cookies are automatically accepted. However, you can also set your browser to reject cookies by default, or delete cookies manually through the browser settings. More information regarding enabling, disabling and deleting cookies can be found in the Help function of your browser, or on this page. More information can be found in our cookie statement.  Basis of processing Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV must be able to base the use of your personal data on one of the bases in Article 6 of the AVG. This case involves the following basis(s):

Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV processes your data for one or more of the following purposes (depending in part on which Services or functionalities you use):

  • For the performance of a contract you have entered into with us.
  • To process your order and inform you of its progress.
  • For offering products or services (marketing), market research and analysis.
  • For our financial records and tax returns.
  • For purchasing (liability) insurance.
  • for limiting our liability based on laws such as the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Foreign Nationals Employment Act, Wet Aanpak Schijnconstructies and the Wet Ketenaansprakelijkheid.
  • To use all features and services on the websites.
  • To process subscriptions for newsletters or other services.
  • To process job applications.
  • To process inquiries or complaints.
  • To improve our websites.


Personal Data Protection Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV takes the protection of your personal data seriously and takes all reasonable, appropriate, technical and organizational security measures to protect against the misuse, loss, unauthorized access, destruction, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized alteration of your personal data. For example, Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV ensures that only the necessary persons have access to the data and that security measures are checked regularly. The measures taken are (among others):

  • password protection of system and cloud environments.
  • encryption of data.
  • transmission of (personal) data via a secure connection.
  • storage and hosting by an ISO 27001 certified hosting party.
  • employees are bound by a confidentiality clause.
  • Processing agreements are in place with sub-processors that require them to comply with the AVG.
  • processing is carried out only within the EU or by parties outside it that have an equivalent level of protection.

These measures are in line with applicable privacy and information security laws. However, 100% security cannot be guaranteed for any website or software. Therefore, Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV cannot be held responsible or liable for unauthorized, unauthorized or unintended access to the personal data beyond its control. In the unlikely event that, despite the security measures taken by Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV, a security incident occurs that is likely to have an adverse effect on your privacy, Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV will inform you as soon as possible. Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV will therefore inform you of the measures taken to limit the consequences and prevent recurrence in the future.  

With whom are personal data shared? Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV will only share your personal information with third parties if:

  • You have given permission to do so;
  • We are required to do so by law, court order or order of a competent supervisory authority;
  • We or a third party has a legitimate interest that justifies sharing the personal data.

Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV will only pass on the information you have provided to third parties if this is necessary to answer your question or complaint, or for the delivery or maintenance of the products you have ordered or services you have requested. These third parties may include group companies, subcontractors, ICT and Telecom providers, postal and mailing companies, banks and payment service companies such as IDEAL, accountants and lawyers or solicitors. If Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV provides your information to a third party, Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV will ensure (by means of an agreement) that your information will not be used for other purposes. Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV also agrees herein that your information will be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed, and that these third parties will comply with the AVG. Further, Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BVj will not provide the information you provide to other parties unless required or permitted by law. Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV may, for example, share personal data with third parties such as the tax authorities or inspection SZW, or the police in the context of fraud investigations. In that case Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV is required by law to provide these data.   Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV will not retain yourpersonal data longer than is necessary for the purpose of processing. Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV therefore keeps your data by default for three years. Where the maximum legal retention period is shorter, for example for letters of application, Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV will use that shorter period. During this time it may still be necessary for Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV to have this information, for example to contact you. When legally permitted or required, for example for tax purposes or for the settlement of (possible) complaints or procedures, data may be kept longer. No maximum retention period applies to:

  • anonymized data and;
  • data kept exclusively for historical, statistical or scientific purposes. However, care is taken to ensure that the processing of this data is used only for those specific purposes.


Your privacy rights You have the right to access your personal data and the right to ask us to amend, limit, transfer or delete your data. Sometimes Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV cannot comply with your request, for example because of a legal obligation imposed on Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV. If you want to know what personal data we process about you, you can make a written request for inspection. Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV will handle all of your requests within a reasonable period of time, in principle within one month. Should your request be complex or if for other reasons we cannot inform you in a timely manner, you will be notified. You can send your requests or complaints to To prevent misuse, we may ask for identification by sending a copy of a valid ID. Then remember to make your BSN and passport photo illegible on the copy. If you are not satisfied with our handling of your question or complaint, you can contact the Personal Data Authority.  Amendment of this statement Fun Verhuur Reeuwijk BV may amend this privacy statement from time to time. Changes will be posted on our this website. It is recommended that you review this privacy statement periodically so that you are aware of any changes.   Version June 2024